We Made It Home From Our First Adventure

Well we made it back safely from our first trip out. Although we didn’t get a chance to do a lot of “camping” things, campfires and such, because of the weather, it was a productive few days. We got a chance to do some personalization and add some conveniences to make it feel more like home. We also added a […]

What do you do when all it does is rain?

Our first trip out has been a wet one. Rain so far everyday, but that is ok we have found ways to keep busy. Lots of inside projects and some fun out side too. With anything new, you need to make it yours. I made this before we left and we got it installed. Special thanks to our friend Jimmy […]

Off on our first Trip

So today we headed out on the road. We have had enough of sitting in Dash on the road in front of the house! It is just a short trip to Daytona, but you gotta start somewhere!

It Was A Day Of Firsts!!

Today was definitely a day of first. Here are all of the firsts we experienced. First time driving Dash on an Interstate highway. Most of the driving we have been doing is just back and forth to the storage area on local roads. First time all three of us have rode in Dash together. Normally Cole and I ride in […]

Next Week is Our First Trip

Tomorrow we have the Truck set up so that we can tow it behind Dash. It looks like I will be sitting on one of the recliners in the back for our trip. Cole has called shotgun, so I guess he is going to be the navigator!

Seasoning the Griddle!

Getting the griddle all seasoned up so that we are all ready for our first trip with Dash!

Getting things ready to go

Working on so items getting ready for our first trip. Cole was checking things out too.

Sunrise and Sunset

One of the things I like to share pictures of sunrises and sunsets. These are the most peaceful and beautiful times of the day. A time to plan your activities for the day or reflect on your day’s activities. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2022 Hopefully you had an enjoyable New Years Eve and celebrated with those you love. This is going to be and exciting year for us. We are very much looking forward to it. We hope you join us on this journey and see where Dash takes us!