Sunrise and Sunset

One of the things I like to share pictures of sunrises and sunsets. These are the most peaceful and beautiful times of the day. A time to plan your activities for the day or reflect on your day’s activities. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2022 Hopefully you had an enjoyable New Years Eve and celebrated with those you love. This is going to be and exciting year for us. We are very much looking forward to it. We hope you join us on this journey and see where Dash takes us!


Goldilocks was trying to find his perfect spot yesterday.

Picking Up Dash

Well today is the day! Later this morning we will be picking up our new RV. We have named him Dash. We decided that the RV is a ‘he’ because it is a very rugged unit. A diesel, 4 wheel drive, Super C just didn’t seem like something that we could give a girlie name to.

Hello world!

This is what Tiger Woods said to the reporters in his first interview so many years ago. I don’t think we will ever be as popular as Tiger, but a girl can dream! Thank you for stopping by and checking out our website!